Feeling pretty excited I uploaded my first game; Wheel of Death onto Kongregate a couple of hours ago. If you aren't familiar with Kongregate it's the king (King Kong : apologies for that) of the new wave of web 2.0 social gaming sites. If you like playing trivial and annoying Flash games (like the one I just added) it's a great place to go. The game was built using the 2D Physics Engine Box2DFlashAS3. This was my preferred engine when I did a review of the available engines back in January. I haven't written much about Flash 2D Physics since them mostly because I've been spending most of my spare time building this game. I think it's still a bit buggy. But for a first game I'm pretty happy. I've got a few pressing work committments. But hopefully I'll have time to get a few more of the bugs out and blog about the experience of building it with Box2DFlashAS3 in the near future.
Blogged with Flock
Man, that is an awesome game. DTD was my favorite Kongregate game til now...
Thanks for the feedback. Greatly appreciated.
Oh man that game is addictive. I just emailed it off to my daughters and my niece for some time-wasting fun :-)
Great work man!
Talk Jockey,
glad you enjoyed the game. I have a new game in a similar vein which is nearly complete. I'll probably have it out in a couple of weeks.
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